Core Generalist#
CG.K.1Discuss the Australian health care system, including:
- structure including public and private system
- how the healthcare system is funded and who can access
- role of general practice
- types of hospitals
CG.K.2Describe basic management principles, including:
- the difference between governance and management
- the role and responsibilities of a Board, role and responsibilities of a chairperson, understand what is meant by "terms of reference" and how they are developed and applied to committees, committee protocol and meeting protocol
- roles and responsibilities of management and leadership such as basic principles of quality management, leadership theory, team development and delegation
CG.K.3Illustrate a basic understanding of practice organisation, including:
- where to seek information on setting up or purchasing a practice
- important elements of health facility infrastructure design
- the practical, financial, administrative and legal implications of the range of practice and employment models including traditional solo or group practice, partnerships, associateships, employee, contractor, locum, blended private and public, corporations, government/public health positions and education/academic positions
- how to access relief staff/locums
CG.K.4Discuss basic operational management, including:
- how to establish procedures for line of responsibility, communications, patient flow and scheduling, front desk duties, phone calls, handling of referrals, reports, letters, screening, recall systems, infection control, complaints and equipment maintenance
- safe management of medical records such as storage and filing, indexing and coding, confidentiality, security, incorporating clinical results/reports/correspondence, risk management in backup (onsite and offsite) and restoration of data
- understand practice accreditation standards and strategies to maintain compliance
- building continuous quality improvement strategies into health care services
CG.K.5Describe basic human resource management, including:
- staff management principles
- policies and procedures for staff such as recruitment, appraisal/productivity assessment, staff development/training, contracts/remuneration, disciplinary guidelines and performance management of staff and holiday/sickness/sabbatical/professional development leave entitlements
- resources available through professional organisations on operation management topics and the ability to access such information as the need arises
- the relevant levels of bureaucracy both within and external to the organisation
- statutory and regulatory requirements relating to staff including, OH&S Legislation, Trade Practices Act, Equal Opportunity Legislation, Privacy Act, Health Practitioners Act, Workers Compensation, Workplace Relations Act, Superannuation, taxation and Public Liability
CG.K.6Describe where to access basic financial management, including:
- how to develop a basic business plan
- interpret basic financial statements including profit and loss and balance sheet and to be able to understand the basis of depreciation and depreciation schedules
- effectively manage practitioner investment in the practice and returns on investment
- the types of finance available to the organisation
- day-to-day cash flow management
- patient fees and fee collection processes including debt collection
- service companies to control finance as necessary
- insurances, key person, income protection, business and premises, public liability, indemnity
- point of sale and accounting software and services eg tyro, xero, pracsoft
- contracts eg suppliers, medical services, leases, utilities, software
CG.K.7Discuss patient service principles, including:
- methods of continuous quality improvement applied within the organisation or practice including clinical/management audit, performance appraisal benchmarked against local and national standards, practice accreditation or hospital ACHS accreditation, evaluate objectives of accreditation requirements and follow through accreditation processes deemed appropriate to the location
- opportunities to improve patient satisfaction
- basic marketing concepts
CG.K.8Describe professional systems, including:
- the roles and responsibilities of relevant local, state and national professional and medico-political organisations including, accreditation
- organisations, the Colleges and associations, PHNs, Rural Workforce Agencies, RDA, AMA and Medical Indemnity Insurers
- the role and function of academic, financial, and legal advisers including, management consultants, accountants, solicitors, financial planning consultants
CG.S.1Work effectively within healthcare systems:
- deal effectively with patient feedback and complaints
- implement policies and procedures
- interpret and use the Medicare Benefits and Pharmaceutical benefits schedule
- interpret and use other fees schedules including those published by the AMA, Worker’s compensation, Transport/Road Traffic Accident, insurance companies and corporations according to Federal, State and Territory expectations
- identify and use structures and financial rewards/incentive programs available to the practitioner and or practice
- meet financial, reporting and legal requirements for superannuation, income taxation, GST, worker’s compensation, staff remuneration and insurance matters
- manage own time effectively in line with organisation policies whilst achieving work-life balance
- assess when it is safe and relevant to delegate
- maintain systems to ensure that emergency equipment is working and that drugs are current
CG.S.2Demonstrate leadership, including:
- contribute to leadership in a hospital team
- provide inter-professional team leadership in emergency care
- facilitate change in health care to enhance services and outcomes
- contribute to the development of institutional policy and procedure
- demonstrate organisational and professional meeting skills
- contribute to planning, maintaining and developing local healthcare services, and interpret the difference between governance and management issues
CG.S.3Actively contribute to quality improvement, including:
- contribute to a culture that promotes patient safety
- undertake clinical audit and quality improvement activities including accreditation activities and show how to respond constructively to the outcomes
- analyse near misses and adverse events to improve systems of care
- participate in institutional quality and safety improvement and risk management activities
- contribute to providing a safe working environment for all staff through the practice of injury prevention and observance of Occupational Health and Safety rules and regulations
- participate and describe the principles of disaster planning and implementation of disaster plans, and post-incident analysis and debriefing
CG.S.4Implement efficiency and effectiveness measures, including:
- apply evidence and management processes to achieve cost-appropriate care
- use a considered and rational approach to the use of resources including disposable items, limited/expensive resources and human resource