Core Generalist#
CG.K.1Discuss principles of risk management in rural and remote environment
CG.K.2Discuss the roles and responsibilities of health care team members
CG.K.3Describe an approach to conflict management
CG.K.4Identify referral networks
CG.K.1Identify level of risk for patient, doctor, and community, including:
- assessment of situational analysis: complexity, socio-economic factors, cultural and psychological factors, public health issues
- resources: human, advice and information, technical
- transport
- support: psychological, management and organisational
CG.K.2Establish and maintain positive relationships with colleagues, other specialists’ doctors, and health care professions to support relationship-centred collaborative care
CG.K.3Negotiate overlapping and shared responsibilities with other health care professions in episodic and ongoing care
CG.K.4Engage in respectful shared decision-making with health care professions
CG.K.5Implement strategies to promote understanding, manage differences, and resolve conflicts in a manner that supports a collaborative culture
CG.K.6Determine when care should be transferred to another doctor or health care professional
CG.K.7Demonstrate safe handover of care, using both verbal and written communication, during a patient transition to a different health care professional, setting, or stage of care
CG.K.8Supervise and co-ordinate vertical integration where required eg clinical learners
At.4Clinical courage