Academic Practice
Advanced Specialised#
AS.K.1Describe common qualitative methodologies for example case study and action research
AS.K.2Discuss qualitative data collection techniques eg: surveys, focus groups, stakeholder consultations, key informant interviews
AS.K.3Describe common qualitative data analysis techniques such as thematic analysis, grounded theory
AS.K.4Describe and a critique common quantitative clinical research method, eg: cohort studies, case-control studies and randomised control trials
AS.K.5Explain statistical tests and terminology, eg: sensitivity and specificity: positive and negative predictive values: odds, risk and rate ratios: Chi squares, t-tests, p values.
AS.K.6Describe key concepts including study power, numbers needed to treat, false positive and false negative, statistical versus clinical significance
AS.K.7Illustrate processes involved and the expected outcomes of a critical incident review
AS.K.8Describe illness through a biopsychosocial theoretical framework
AS.K.9Discuss safety, privacy and confidentiality of participants in your patient care, clinical teaching and research
AS.K.10Understand the range of ethical issues that arise in conducting research and the key factors for best practice in research ethics
AS.K.11Access, interpret and critically evaluate information pertaining to your learning needs from your specialty associations and colleagues, and specialty research journals, reference books, meetings and electronic databases
AS.K.12Discuss key (milestone) research undertaken on rural and remote medicine and rural health issues, including:
- appreciate what use this research has served
- appreciate how such research findings can influence government policy and medical training
AS.K.13Discuss the nature and scope of current research activities pertaining to rural and remote general practice, including:
- workforce models
- recruitment and retention
- education/training
- clinical improvements and innovations
- psychology and sociology of rural communities
AS.K.14Explain the role of research and clinical audit against context-relevant benchmarks in the continuous quality improvement of a rural/remote medical practice
AS.S.1Support learners to access appropriate and current sources of information in response to clinically generated primary care questions
AS.S.2Support learners to develop their critical appraisal skills of the literature and other relevant information to assist in decision making related to patient management
AS.S.3Apply a working knowledge of mixed methods research relevant to your research question, including at least one qualitative method
AS.S.4Communicate effectively the results of relevant research to peers, learners and the community in terms that can be easily understood
AS.S.5Undertake a literature search of relevant medical information sources, including online databases, Cochrane Collaboration articles and journal publications relevant to rural and remote medicine
AS.S.6Communicate effectively the results of relevant research to peers and colleagues for example within the context of a journal club or clinical meeting
AS.S.7Use self-reflection and personal practice audit, to document and evaluate the efficacy of changes made in your own clinical teaching performance and patient care
AS.S.8Perform and present clinical audit through: case finding, collecting data in an ethical manner, statistical analysis of data, identifying and implementing change, and monitoring progress
AS.S.9Manage patient privacy issues relating to clinical audit data storage and communication
AS.S.10Participate in and use the results of case presentations in which the learner has a clinical role, as a basis for identifying steps leading to improvements in their clinical performance
AS.S.11Use questioning and role modelling to challenge learners to develop the predisposition and skill of self-assessing their own performance as a basis for defining their learning needs, and for identifying opportunities inherent in everyday clinical practice
AS.S.12Analyse learner’s errors (near misses or adverse events) using root cause analyses, and ensure learning from an event through discussion in a non-punitive environment
AS.S.13Set aside time to incorporate learning into worktime, and identifying key professional groups, conferences and professional journals you will subscribe to
AS.S.14Define the outcomes (knowledge, skills and attitudes) that would be expected of a learner at the end of an education session, outcomes that consider the current knowledge level of the learner, their curriculum needs, their motivation, and capacity to learn, and their social and cultural background
AS.S.15Use a structured approach to teach a skill or procedure to a medical student, which includes explanation, then demonstration, then observation of performance and feedback
AS.S.16Facilitate clinical simulation including development of an emergency scenario, providing clinical oversight and facilitating the debriefing process
AS.S.17Develop written or online resources for patients, learners and/or the community on common problems or investigations, using clear, concise and appropriate language and a degree of complexity that ensures patients and learners in the health field understand and are informed
AS.S.18Support clinicians to develop plans for a medical student’s or junior colleague’s clinical attachments that include an orientation, scheduled learning opportunities and sessions, and involvement in supervised patient care
AS.S.19Support clinicians to reliably assess juniors when required, by effective implementation of assigned assessment tools, observing performance, and recording honest and fair judgments of their performance and giving effective feedback
AS.S.20Provide resources to accompany presentations to learners (students, peers, other staff, and patients) that are clear, factually correct, up-to-date, relevant, and at a level appropriate for the learners
AS.S.21Evaluate quality of teaching and learning for medical students, candidates or health professionals
AS.S.22Engage with community members to assess health service needs and gaps which may be amenable to appropriate research activities, and include suitable community agencies and individuals in the research process
AS.S.23Demonstrate the principles of respectful engagement of disadvantaged and culturally diverse groups in setting research and education priorities
AS.S.24Demonstrate respect for self-determination through the development of meaningful research partnerships and active contribution of community
AS.S.25Draw on a global view of evidence to develop locally responsive health education solutions
AS.S.26Consciously develop your mentoring strategy, including setting aside time for mentoring
AS.S.27Provide feedback which: identifies strengths and areas of improvement, relates to expected learning, is timely, specific, descriptive, detailed and honest, and includes guidance for improvement
AS.S.28Provide advice and guidance to others with respect to issues such as: short term learning issues, what it is like to be a registrar and long-term career goals
AS.S.29Take a leadership role in developing and nurturing a ‘360-degree team’ strategy for the formative and summative assessment of yourself and others
AS.S.30Provide direct and distance clinical supervision and support for other rural and remote health care personnel
AS.S.31Use distance learning technologies in education, such as videoconferencing and asynchronous web-based programs