Assessment Policies

Assessment policies#

A range of policies relate to assessments, these policies are available on the College Assessment Policies webpage.

Assessment eligibility policy#

The assessment eligibility policy defines:

  • eligibility requirements to enrol in and undertake assessments
  • rules relevant to reattempting assessments
  • undertaking assessments while on leave from training

Academic code of conduct#

The Academic Code of Conduct provides the College’s expectations of doctors and others participating in education or training programs in respect to personal and professional conduct and a duty to disclose a review of, or changes to medical registration.

Academic misconduct policy#

The Academic Misconduct Policy defines how alleged breaches of the Academic Code of Conduct are investigated and the penalties that may be applied for proven misconduct.

Medical Registration Constraints#

To describe the process the College follows to determine if a doctors with constraints on medical registration can train, be awarded Fellowship or be contracted by the College. This process can be found here.

Refund policy#

The refund policy details information relating to assessment and the circumstances under which refunds are paid.

Reconsideration, review and appeals policy#

The Reconsideration, Review and Appeals policy provides information for candidates who wish to dispute result or outcome an assessment undertaken.

Special consideration policy#

The Special Consideration policy describes the criteria to apply for special consideration for an assessment, to request reasonable adjustments to accommodate for a disability, long term medical condition, or other circumstances in accordance with the policy. All applications must be made using the online special considerations form and within the stipulated timeframes.

Last updated on by acrrmbot